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Recipe: Perfect Ayam Goreng Bacem

Ayam Goreng Bacem.

Ayam Goreng Bacem You can cook Ayam Goreng Bacem using 11 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Ayam Goreng Bacem

  1. Prepare 1 kg of ayam potong 10 bagian.
  2. Prepare 8 of bawang merah.
  3. Prepare 4 siung of bawang putih.
  4. Prepare 1 sdt of ketumbar.
  5. Prepare 3 btr of kemiri.
  6. Prepare 2 cm of lengkuas.
  7. You need 2 lbr of daun salam.
  8. You need 100 gr of gula jawa/sesuai selera.
  9. Prepare 1 sdt of garam.
  10. You need 1 sdt of royco ayam.
  11. You need 1/2 gelas of air.

Ayam Goreng Bacem step by step

  1. Potong ayam cuci dan bersihkan.Lumuri dengan jeruk nipis..
  2. Haluskan bumbu selain daun salam dan lengkuas..
  3. Dalam wajan masukka semua bahan dan bumbu.Masak ayam hingga matang dan bumbu meresap..
  4. Goreng sebentar saja.Karena manis ayam bisa cepat gosong..

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