Fillet Ayam asam manis.
You can cook Fillet Ayam asam manis using 13 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Fillet Ayam asam manis
- You need 4 potong of dada ayam.
- It's 300 gr of Terigu.
- Prepare 100 gr of mentega.
- You need of Garam, lada, penyedap rasa.
- You need of Bahan saos.
- You need of Saos tomat.
- Prepare of Tepung Kanji/Maizena dilarutkan dgn air.
- You need 1 siung of Bawang.putih.
- Prepare of Topping.
- Prepare 1 bh of nanas iris.
- Prepare 1 bh of ketimun iris.
- Prepare 1 bh of wortel iris korek.
- You need 5 of Cabe merah.
Fillet Ayam asam manis step by step
- Fillet tipis ayam, iris2 tipis setipis mungkin wkwk.
- Setelah itu campur terigu, garam, lada,mentega, telur di ayam yg sdh diiris2.
- Goreng, tiriskan.
- Bahan saos:.
- Bawang putih ditumis, tambahkan saos tomat lalu maizena yg sdh dilarutkan dgn air juga wortel yg sdh diiris korek.
- Tata di piring.
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