Ayam Kecap Pedas.
You can have Ayam Kecap Pedas using 14 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Ayam Kecap Pedas
- It's 500 gr of ayam (rebus).
- It's 1 gelas of air.
- Prepare of Bumbu halus.
- You need 3 siung of bawang putih.
- Prepare 5 siung of bawang merah.
- Prepare 1/2 sdt of mrica.
- Prepare 21 buah of cabe rawit.
- Prepare 1 of cabe besar.
- Prepare of Bahan pelengkap.
- You need secukupnya of Garam.
- It's secukupnya of Gula.
- It's secukupnya of Kaldu ayam totole.
- It's secukupnya of Kecap.
- Prepare secukupnya of Saos raja rasa.
Ayam Kecap Pedas instructions
- Tumis bumbu halus sampai harum, masukkan ayam yang sudah d rebus, tambahkan air.
- Masukkan bahan pelengkap dan koreksi rasa. Biarkan sampe air meresap kemudian matikan kompor..
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