Ayam bumbu rujak.
You can have Ayam bumbu rujak using 15 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Ayam bumbu rujak
- You need 1/2 kg of ayam.
- It's of Bawang merah.
- Prepare of Bawang putih.
- You need of Cabe merah.
- You need of Cabe setan.
- Prepare of Kunyit.
- Prepare of lengkuas.
- It's of Jahe.
- It's of Daun salam sereh.
- It's of Terasi.
- You need of Asam Jawa.
- It's of Garam.
- You need of Gula.
- Prepare of Kaldu jamur.
- Prepare 65 ml of Santan kara.
Ayam bumbu rujak instructions
- Bakar dahulu ayam saya pkai happy call. Taburi garam dan pada.
- Haluskan semua bumbu tsb. Lalu tumis hingga harus baru masukan ayamnya...
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